Pieces of Us...
Getting Slack Again... - Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Not much going on this week. Because we are trying to save some money, we haven't done much other than hang out at the house.

Last weekend was a blow out. For about three days last week, I had been having this pain in my left ear. You know me, I ignore it until it gets so bad I can't stand it.

So Friday I picked up the kids from daycare and headed to the house. They were their usual screaming and yelling selves. Fighting, pushing, pulling each other's hair out. Fun. So by the time Jonathan came rolling into the house at around 6:30, my ear/head was killing me.

He walked in the door and I was like, "My ear is killing me, I'm going to the doctor. Now." I think he thought I was full of crap when I first said it. He even looked at me like I was lying and was really going on a secret rendezvous with my friends or something. But my ear was bugging the hell out of me and I had to do something about it before I went bonkers.

I had thoughts of some bean or some bug stuck in my ear. Perhaps it was growing sprouts or something. One of the girls I work with had recently brought in a really gross popcorn kernel that had just been surgically removed from her son's ear. Yuck! I had thoughts of something like that in my ear.

So I headed to the local emergency care clinic. Because it definitely wasn't bad enough to go to go to the emergency room or anything. And this is exactly the type of situation those clinics were made for.

The last time I was at this place was when I had to take Chase in on a Sunday afternoon when the pediatrician's office is closed. That was the day of all days I was driving Jonathan's SUV and some lady slammed into his car while I was in the clinic and she didn't even bother to tell anyone. Geeze, you wonder about people sometimes.

Anyway, so I went into the clinic and filled out all the boring paperwork. And waited. And waited and waited and waited... I kept on seeing all these (and not to be too stuck up or anything) "seedy" looking people coming through. And they were all drinking gobs of water, Gatorade, etc. I'm thinking, "Is everyone dehydrated from the heat or something?" Then as I was waiting, other people would check in after me, wait a few minutes, get called to the back and then come out and go on their merry way. After seeing about 10 people do this, I was thinking, "Ok, what the hell is going on here? I've been here longer than these people!"

So finally I walked up to the reception area and asked if and when I was going to be seen and how come all these other people were bypassing me. She looked at me like I was a complete fool and informed me that all the people who had been coming in were there for drug tests. Doh!

So when I finally got in to see the doctor, he took one look at my ears and said it was one of the worst ear infections he had seen in a long time. To my knowledge I have never had an ear infection in my life. But now at least I can appreciate how Little Man and Skyler must feel when they have ear infections. Poor babies.

So pretty much the rest of the weekend I didn't feel like doing much of anything. I got absolutely no housework done. I pretty much stayed in my nightgown all weekend. Fun.

Sunday I was feeling pretty bad for the kids being stuck in the house all weekend, so Jonathan took Skyler to the water park. She had just recently completed her second round of swimming lessons and Jonathan was proud to come home and tell me that she had learned quite a bit. She can now jump off the boards/boat without a lifejacket and swim approximately 10 feet. She can also swim pretty far under water. So we are very proud of her. Now we just have to work on Little Man's swimming abilities. He isn't afraid of water at least.

This week has been really busy at work. So busy in fact when I had a small hearing yesterday, I actually had to put my small group in a very small empty office. We have this absolutely gorgeous conference room that seats approx. 30 with top knotch AV equipment. We also have a huge training classroom upstairs and we have a small conference room that seats about 6. So we have all this space and every room was in use. I felt really bad placing them in basically a closet, but what could I do. They just laughed it off.

Today we have our Executive Committee in the building. So since we have had a group in house every day this week we have had free food. We have catering brought in for our big meetings. And after the meetings are over, staff gets to eat the leftovers. Yum!

I can't believe its almost time for our vacation. One more week! I don't even want to start thinking about packing. I always end up forgetting something. And I know, I am starting a packing list. But I inevitably forget something or another. Especially since I am responsible for packing for the entire family. I do make Jonathan pack his own clothes though. He can at least do that.

So yesterday I came home after a 9 1/2 hour shift at work. I was bone tired and the kids were fighting, yelling, slapping each other...you get the general drift. Jonathan doesn't usually come home until 7:00 or 7:30 each night. By that time I've already fed, played with and bathed the kids. So then he called and said he was going to go help someone move some furniture (it just so happened to be the same guy who is allowing us to use his beach house). So he did that and he called about 8:30 and said he was going to go out to dinner with his boss. And I kind of lost it. I went on my little tirade about how I'm always home by myself all during the week with the kids.

So I decided right then and there that one day a week Jonathan is going to pick the kids up from daycare (on time), feed them dinner and bathe them. And I said I didn't want to have to call him and remind him. He should know it his day and be responsible and do it without being reminded. So there.

I think he was stunned for a few moments, but then he agreed! I mean he is the parent to. So he chose Fridays to pick the kids up. So now on Fridays I can do whatever I want until 7:00 or 7:30. Yippee! We'll see how long this lasts, huh? ;-)

So I guess I have rambled on long enough for one day. Hope everyone is having a good Hump Day! The weekend is almost here...... Until next time...

Getting Slack Again...
Monica; 9:06 AM


Blogger simah said...

get well aoon. hopefully the ear infction will be gone before the holiday...take care!! :0)

3:32 PM  
Blogger ♥Caroline♥ said...

Take care of that ear. I hope it's better by your vacation, but i would still watch how much water gets in there.
Good for you on ranting on your husband. You have to pick your battles, I'm always saying "why do i have to do everything here"? so i know what you are going thru.
I can go on and on about me and my husband. But for the most part he tries to keep me happy.
As for the doctors office, I just make sure that i have at least 5 hours to spare, that way if it's less i'm happy...lol
take care monica :)

1:30 AM  
Blogger Special K said...

Hope your ear feels better soon! I got them as a kid and they were horrible but I got one as an adult and I was like OMG! I think they are worse as an adult.
Glad to hear of the reprieve on Friday's, have fun! ;)

6:24 AM  
Blogger Mallard said...

Sending you my happy thoughts... ya, a severe ear infection is... blechy :( And yes, it kinda puts it in perspective when our kids are screaming as a result of them. Sheesh.

Yours kids are growing so fast! Wow! So old! [giggles] My eldest turns 13 [13!!!!] tomorrow... gagh! heh heh

Mal :)

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the ear infection. Those are absolutely miserable! But it didn't seem to really slow you down (except the weekend maybe). I think it is a great idea of your husband picking up the kids and doing the night routine with them. Hope you enjoy some hard-earned time to yourself!

1:41 PM  

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