Pieces of Us...
Vacation Post - Monday, May 29, 2006
I decided to bring my laptop from work so I could get a bit done while on vacation at my parents' house. My parents have a computer and a cable modem, but the computer is almost 10 years old and it is slower than Christmas. I unhooked their cable and hooked up my laptop and I'm speeding away now. I don't know how in the world they use that ancient computer. The monitor is so bad you can barely even read the text.

Anyway, the weekend has been going pretty good so far. We got here Friday evening and went out to eat at a restaurant called Cootie Browns. It's a pretty strange restaurant that has garage doors that they can roll up when the weather is warm. They have pretty good food to. After dinner we decided to walk across the parking lot and get some ice cream. When I picked Chase up out of his high chair he was soaked. He had pee'd so much in his diaper that he was practically dripping. So I had to take him back to the van and change his clothes. The only thing I could reach very well out of his suitcase was a pair of pajamas. Now they kind of look like shorts, but they are really pajamas. So I dressed him in his pajamas and we walked over to get some ice cream. Now how redneck was that! At least he was all ready to go to bed when we got home. Tee hee.

The next day we kind of hung around the house (and slept in, of course). Then that afternoon Jonathan's uncle called to invite us to his daughter's graduation party. We had completely forgotten about Jerica's graduation. I felt really bad because if I had remembered, then Skyler and I would have gotten up and went to the graduation. Not to mention it would have been nice to see my old high school. So we ran to Wal-Mart to get a graduation card and some cash, then we drove to Kentucky Fried Chicken to pick up a bucket of chicken to take to the party. Jonathan's grandmother and dad were also there.

The cousin who was graduating was also one of our flower girls in our wedding 15 long years ago. She was 3 and her sister (the one who just got married last month and Skyler was her flower girl) was 7 at the time. It makes me feel so old that they are so big now. They were just babies when we got married!

We had a great time at the party. Skyler ran around with some of the other kids. The party was actually for Jerica and two of her best friends, so there were quite a few people there. When it was time to cut the cake they commenced to having a cake fight. Their high school colors are blue and orange, so you can imagine the blue and orange cake icing. It stains! I got a few pics, but only with my camera phone. I never seem to remember to bring my camera.

After the cake fight we went down to play softball. Of course Skyler and I were just spectators. I couldn't play softball if my life depended on it at my old age. After that Skyler and I went to the playground for a bit. By the time we walked back to where the party was being held, it was after 9:00 p.m. Skyler was too pooped to party and was getting very grouchy. So we headed home and I put Skyler to bed.

Sunday morning we got up and did a few things around the house. That afternoon Skyler and I decided to go eat at this Chinese restaurant I used to work at as a teenager. The same people still own it and still remember me.

After lunch we decided to go to a local park called Bays Mountain. It's a really beautiful nature sanctuary on top of a mountain. They have a planetarium, animals outdoors, a lake with a barge and great hiking. Of course we couldn't do much hiking with Little Man. But we pushed him in his stroller a bit and then let Skyler ride in the stroller a bit. We walked on some of the nature trails and came within about 10 feet of some deer. They were very tame and obviously were very used to being around people. All in all it was a great day.

After the park I took my mom home and then I took Skyler and Chase down to visit with my dad and my stepmom. My dad started up the tractor and was going to take Chase for a ride. But Chase has never been on such a large and loud tractor, so he kind of lost it and started crying and screaming. I think it partly had to do with he hadn't had a nap all afternoon and he was just cranky. But they played outside and had a good ole time. Then I packed them up and we headed back to my mom's house. I fed them, gave their baths and put them to bed.

Sometimes vacation is more work than rest and relaxation. At least my mom gets up early with Chase so Skyler and I can sleep in. The weird thing is Chase gets up at 6:45 to 7:00 a.m. at our house. But when we come to my mom's house he sleeps in until 9:00 a.m. What's the deal with that!?!?

Skyler's new school has an open house this coming Monday, so my parents were going to come to NC so they could go see her school. Since they were going to be driving over anyway, they are just going to keep Chase with them and bring him back next weekend. So it will just be me, Skyler and Jonathan at the house for the rest of the week. If Skyler was already out of school I would leave her here to. But she doesn't get out of school until June 8th.

I can't believe summer is almost here. This year has just flown by. Skyler will be 5 in August and Chase will be 2. They are growing up right before our eyes and are getting more and more self sufficient by the day. Before you know it they will be teenagers. God help us then.

Well I guess I better end for now. Chase is down for his afternoon nap and Skyler is getting ready to go somewhere with her mamaw and papaw. Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend. I'm outta here!
Vacation Post
Monica; 11:48 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was fun to hear a little of your walk down memory lane. I, too, can't believe how old I am (compared to those I remember as babies). I still feel 23 years old! That was funny about the red neck stuff. We have had the soaked diaper problem a few times too. You just have find the best you can in a hopeless situation. Glad you could post--it was fun to read!

5:11 PM  
Blogger simah said...

glad to hear that u r having fun out there...it must be great to be able to go down the memory lane..

1:58 AM  
Blogger lawbrat said...

You are SO NOT a redneck! You're a mom. Mom's do what mom's gotta do.

Here is a funny story- it may or may not be redneck, but its definetly being a mom.

When my 7 year old was about 2 1/2, a friend of mine and one of her kids and hunter all went to a bunch of garage sales in an uppity part of the city I used to live in. Hunter was being potty trained, but he often felt that being outdoors he could just whip it out and go. (he did this often when playing outside at home). It was difficult to get him to understand to GO INSIDE to the potty.
So, here we are, 2 women, each with one child, walking around this uppity neighborhood, HUGE houses, awesome garage sale items. Hunter stops. It took us a few feet to realize Hunter had stopped walking. We were about 10 feet ahead of him. He had 'the look' on his face. I wanted to run and hide and say- my god, whose kid is that?
He pooped. Right there. Unfortunately, I forget he didnt have underware on, because of an accident earlier in the day, and I didnt have a spare. He was wearing shorts. The poop fell out of his shorts, on the side walk. I quickly grabbed him, used my shoe to nudge the poop off the sidewalk and into the street, and we left- PRONTO.

I have never been so embarresed in my life. I'm glad I was not one living in that neighborhood- i'd never leave my home again!

6:58 PM  
Blogger ♥Caroline♥ said...

glad your having fun and able to get some rest...get it while you can ...

1:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just happened upon your site through CHBM's! Anyway, I live in JC, TN and know exactly where you are talking about! Just thought I'd say hello!

5:00 PM  
Blogger Special K said...

Sounds like a wonderful day!
That highchair is pretty! Where'd ya get it?

11:40 PM  

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