Pieces of Us...
Can You Believe Two Posts In a Row?!?! - Friday, May 05, 2006
Wow, I can't believe I am actually posting two days in a row! It seems like it has been forever. It is so nice to finally have a wee bit of time on my hands again. The job is finally calming down a bit. My busiest time is the first portion of the year. Of course, things are about to pick up again here really soon in the next few weeks, but at least for now, things are calm.

I was trying to make some plans for the family and I to go to Atlantic Beach for a few nights. One of our members who serves as a Vice-Chair on one of my committees owns a nice little hotel in Atlantic Beach and every year he gives me a coupon to spend two nights at his hotel for free! How cool is that? Normally I have to use the coupon before the end of May because summer is, of course, their busy season. But this year he didn't put a time limit on it, so I thought how cool! We can go during the summer when the weather is warm. So I had planned on us using the coupon for the two free nights and then spending an additional two nights and paying for the hotel. So I called the hotel to make the reservations, but when she quoted me $160 per night for the additional nights, I almost had a heart attack! I mean it's just a little motor lodge and it's Atlantic Beach, not the Caribbean. Geeze! So needless to say, we won't be able to afford to stay the two extra nights during the high season. I remember back in the good ole days when you could go to Myrtle Beach during the summer and it was like $35 a night. Not anymore! My how times have changed.

I guess we will go back to our original plans and either go before the end of May when it's only an additional $100 per night or maybe just still go in the summer and stay only one additional night instead of two. It just seems when you have little ones to carry with you and pack up for, staying a couple of nights almost isn't even worth it. We've never taken Little Man on vacation before, so this will be a first. Skyler has been to the beach with us a couple of times (when we used the coupons from my friend), but this will be Little Man's first vacation. I'm anxious to see how he does. He is such a wild man. I mean this child never stops. He is on the go from the moment he wakes up until his cute little head hits the pillow every night. Maybe that is just the nature of boys, I'm not sure. Such a huge difference between him and Skyler. Skyler is more laid back and takes things in. He just runs around like a wild man. I knew we should have had kids when we were younger!

Skyler and I are doing a girl's night out this weekend. Tonight we are going to see The Wild. My personal opinion from the synopsis of the movie is it sounds exactly like Madagasgar. And I mean exactly! But Skyler could care less. She likes going to the movies. Maybe some day Little Man will be able to start going to the movies. Although I'm unsure if he will ever be able to sit still long enough to watch an entire movie. After the movie we are going to our favorite Italian restaurant. I am soooo looking forward to some of Sal's yummy fettucini alfredo. Yum!

Tomorrow I was trying to find something for us to do and there is a farm a town away from here that is having "Farm Days." And it's free, so we are there. Something to get the kids out of the house and get us together as a family. Chase is finally getting big enough to go out and about with the family and have some fun. We took them to the NC Zoo a few weeks ago and they had a blast. The only problem is it was in the 80's and all the animals were laying down in the shade. You definitely should visit the zoo on days when it's not so hot because so many of the animals are "chillin" on hot days.

Jonathan is doing pretty good. He is finally getting around to hiring himself some more assistant managers. He is hiring a female assistant for the first time. She is a college graduate and fresh from college. Should be interesting to say the least. I think Jonathan prefers working with females. They listen more and don't give him so much crap. You know how men can be sometimes!

Well I guess I have rambled on long enough for one day. It feels good to start writing again. Sometimes putting things down in writing makes me feel better. Until we meet again....
Can You Believe Two Posts In a Row?!?!
Monica; 11:37 AM


Blogger ♥Caroline♥ said...

Have fun on your vacation. Skyler will show little man how to do the vacation right.

woman keep the area alot neater too!

Take care

11:29 PM  

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