Pieces of Us...
I'm Back! - Sunday, January 01, 2006
I bet you thought I was gone for good. Heck, I thought I was gone for good. My ole computer crashed. The sucky part is, I had bought a backup drive and had everything backed up. All the pictures, web pages, videos, etc. So I thought I was doing good... But when I sent the computer out to a friend I stupidly also sent him the backup drive thinking he could restore all my stuff if he fixed the computer. Well evidently he crashed the backup drive to. So I lost 99% of my stuff. I was so upset, I cried for an hour. I had 85% of my pictures printed out. But I didn't any of the small clip videos backed up anywhere else or anything. My hubby thought I was stupid for crying and maybe I was. But I was just upset.

Anyhoo, I actually bought a new computer just a week or so after my old one crashed. But I have been so busy with the holidays, the kids, Christmas shopping, wrapping, etc. that I haven't had a chance to even think about this website. I also admit I haven't even had a chance to read any of my blogs that I keep up with. So sorry to you guys. I hope to get caught up to each of you real soon. I really miss reading everyone's blogs and hearing your advice on all my problems.

So much has happened since I did an entry, I wouldn't even know where the heck to begin. So I'll just highlight and then hopefully just start from the today. Quite appropriate since it's the first day in a brand new year. Happy New Year's to everyone!

I know I never even commented on our cruise. I had uploaded about 50% of the photos to Flickr. But I lost the rest. Bummer. But if you want to check out any of our photos from the cruise, you can just click on my Flickr banner. I won't even go into detail about the vacation but to say it was GREAT! It was AWESOME! But two weeks was definitely too long to be gone. It was also freaky driving in St. Thomas because they drive on the left side of the road. Now that was an experience. I let Jonathan do all the driving the 4 days we were there.

And we enjoyed our vacation and our cruise so much that we already have another cruise planned for February. This time we are only taking a short 5 day cruise and we are taking Skyler with us. I figured we would take her on a short one first to see how she does. I know your probably wondering how the heck we have the money for all these cruises... Well don't get excited or anything, we definitely aren't rich. But Jonathan wins these contests at work all the time and he receives these points that you can turn in for Carnival Cruise Ship Dollars. Kinda cool, huh? I'm just really lucky that I have 5 weeks vacation at work so I can go on the vacations.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. Our's was great. The kids got entirely too many toys, as always. Today we spent a couple of hours going through the old toys and packing them up to take to the consignment shop. I thought it would be a struggle and Skyler would resist saying, "I want to keep that one Mommy" or "You can't take this one away Mommy!" But surprisingly, I told her we were taking the toys to "needy children" and she was okay with that. Actually we are going to consign the really nice ones and take the rest to Goodwill. And whatever the consignment shop doesn't take, we'll take those to Goodwill to.

I wish s0me of you moms lived near me so we could exchange toys or something. I hate just giving them away. But I don't know anyone who needs them or anything. Actually, Jess doesn't live really far away from me. Maybe she and I can get together sometime and I can take all of Skyler's old toys to her daughter! I'm sure her daughter is like mine and probably has everything she needs. I wish we had some kind of orphanage or something where I could take Skyler and she could give the toys to the kids and actually see them or something.

Jonathan and I didn't exchange gifts with each other. We just bought for the kids and counted our vacations as our Christmas presents to each other. It kind of sucked in a way because we really didn't have anything to open up on Christmas. I actually bought Jonathan a couple of things so he would have something to open up on Christmas. But he didn't buy me anything and I think he kind of felt guilty afterwards. He was like, "But you said we weren't going to buy each other anything!" And I was like, "Women always say that. But you should know better." Men.

So Chase has been sick for about a week or so. It started out with a runny nose but then yesterday he got all croupy and sounded really congested in his chest. Poor little thing was so bad off he couldn't even cry this morning, he just made this hoarse little croaking sound. So instead of waiting until tomorrow to take him to the pediatrician, I took him to one of those urgent care facilities.

The doctor said I was very lucky because we had just caught him in time. He was very congested in his lungs and she said if we hadn't given him some antibiotics pretty soon, it would probably have turned into pneumonia. He acts like he is feeling fine, but he sounds horrible. Poor little guy still wants to play and run around like a wild man. But he sounds just awful.

I was driving Jonathan's little SUV today because he and Skyler were planning on going grocery shopping and they were going to take the van. So as I'm coming out of the doctor's office, I see this huge scratch and dent down the side of Jonathan's SUV. I'm like, "Shit! Someone hit Jonathan's car." Secretly I was thanking God it wasn't my car. He he he I was so pissed. I was sitting there thinking to myself, "Well there goes a couple of hundred dollars. " Knowing that whoever hit it was long gone. Then this nice gentleman comes over and looks at it and then looks at the car sitting beside me and he says, "Look here. I think this is the car that hit you. See the dent and paint on this mirror." I was like, hello! Thank you very much. I probably wouldn't have had the good common sense to even think that the car was still there.

So I called the police department and while I was sitting there waiting on them, I took out the good ole camera cell phone and took pictures of the damage, of the other car's tag, the full car, etc. The police came and went inside and found the person who had hit my car. It was this poor little old lady who was sicker than a dog. I kind of felt sorry for her, but you would have thought she could have come inside and asked who the car belonged to. But at least she didn't move her car! So the good news is, I got her insurance info and I'll turn it into my insurance company tomorrow. Just another wonderful thing to deal with in the new year.

Well since I have so much to get caught up, I'm not even going to attempt to do it today. I do want to catch up on some of your journals. So I think I will spend my next few minutes (while Skyler is peacefully watching television and Chase is taking a short nap) to catch up on your journals. Can't wait to get caught up!
I'm Back!
Monica; 2:49 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you are back and caught us up on everything! Can't wait to read more.

7:54 AM  
Blogger Tonia said...

Happy to hear from you, thanks for the comment you leaved on mind. My son Timothy looked on your photos, and asking about "What's that toys is... ?, can we buy some of that ...? actually we already have TOO MANY TOYS in the house !!!

4:30 PM  
Blogger ♥Caroline♥ said...

I was glad to hear from ya again. I figured you were really busy and having big computer problems, but i knew you would be back. sorry that you lost alot of pics and things that you had on the computer. Skyler is looking lovely, has her atitude changed much since you been gone? Hope Chase is feeling better soon. Everyone here has gotten some kind of bug lately. I've been lucky so far, but i know its coming my way and i know it will be 3 times worse than they all had. :(

Glad the vacation was awesome and i am jealous that you got another planned already..sigh! One day! Hey instead of toys...i will take a trip....lol take care Monica and i hope you don't have to work to hard to get caught up. later

11:52 PM  

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