Pieces of Us...
We're Off! - Saturday, November 05, 2005
Kids are gone, I am packed, passports are packed.... We are ready to go! Yippee!! I didn't even get teary-eyed when I left the kids at the babysitters. I hate to admit it, but I was even a bit relieved. I'm such a bad mom. I know I am going to miss them terribly, but damn if I'm not looking forward to no melt downs, dirty diapers or cooking for two weeks.
Good news, I called our hotel in Ft. Lauderdale and their power and water is back on. She said no cable, but I think we can live 2 days without cable tv. Well at least I know I can. Not too sure about the hubby though. We won't get to Ft. Lauderdale until Thursday anyway, so hopefully things will be even better by then.

I did some last minute shopping today at the new Wal-Mart. Jonathan got a hair cut and I got a pedicure. Nothing like a fresh French manicure for your trip to the beach.

After that I went to Toys-R-Us and finished up my Christmas shopping for the kids. Aren't you jealous? Don't get excited though, because I haven't bought a single thing for anyone else besides the kids. They are the only ones that matter any way though, right?

Skyler and I went to see Chicken Little last night. I just have one thing to say... Awesome! It was a great kid's movie. Skyler loved it, I loved it, we both laughed our booties off. What more can you ask for. It was great.

I don't even know what to do with myself this evening. Everything is packed, all the clothes are washed up, the house is picked up, the kids are gone....the house is empty. It sure is quiet around here.

Well I think I will go upstairs and go through my packing list one more time to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. St. Thomas, Ft. Lauderdale, San Juan, Tortola, Antigua, Bahamas, here we come! We'll see you in two weeks!

We're Off!
Monica; 7:27 PM


Blogger ♥Caroline♥ said...

Have lots of fun! Have a safe trip!

9:33 PM  
Blogger Tonia said...

have fun, remember to bring back a lot of photos, Ha Ha Ha...^-^

1:00 AM  
Blogger Tonia said...

we might be go out to see the movie too....

1:01 AM  
Blogger Dak-Ind said...

have an excellent fun, safe etc trip! buy lots of suvey's!

2:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great time. I am amazed that you were al packed and nothing to do! Can't wait for the updates.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

You are going to have so much fun! I am completely jealous.. not only because you are going to go to a warm, fun place with no kids.. but also that you are done with your christmas shopping! How did you possibly swing that? Have a great time!

4:11 PM  

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