Pieces of Us...
Revenge.... - Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Ok ladies, do you ever just get absolutely sick and tired of your hubby's endless crap? I know, it can be one of the stupidest, simplest things that just bugs the immortal he-- out of you. It's nothing really, but then one do you just SNAP!

Well mine came last night when I went upstairs to see 12, yes, 12 pairs of socks laying in the floor RIGHT IN FRONT of the hamper! Not IN the hamper, not ON the hamper, but IN FRONT OF the hamper. I mean come on men, can you not just lift the lid off of the hamper and dispose of your socks IN the hamper! How much more energy does it take to bend your lazy as- down two feet and pick the frigging socks up!

When Jonathan takes his socks off, he doesn't even bend down to take them off. No, he sticks his foot, out puts the other foot on the toe of the other sock and then commences to stretch the he-- out of it while pulling it off. Then he does the same with the other one. And he wonders why his socks are so stretched and he keeps getting holes in the toes! Duh! Well one reason they are so stretched is because Mr. Big Foot wears a size 13 1/2, but that's another story in itself.

So anyway, last night Skyler and I went upstairs for our nightly toothbrushing and girl-time together. And she looked down and said, "Why doesn't daddy put his socks in the hamper?" I was like, "That's a good question honey." So after I put her to bed I thought to myself. There is no sense in asking hubby to put his socks in the hamper. He might comply for a couple of days, but then it's back to leaving the nasty filthy socks right in front of the hamper again. So I got a bright idea that would at least make him "think" the next time he took off his nasty socks and left them lying on my beautiful white tile floor....

I had a high school moment ladies.... I picked up every single pair of socks and stuffed them into his work clothes he was going to wear the next day. I did it where he wouldn't notice it first. I stuffed a couple of nasty socks in each pocket. Then I stuffed a couple in his back pockets. Then I filled up the legs with nasty, stinky, dirty, on the floor socks. He he he he Yes, I know it was childish, it was stupid, it was uncalled for. But you know what? It made me feel good as hell!

I went to bed smiling to myself thinking, "Ha! Your going to be PO'd at me in the morning, but maybe you'll think the next time you throw your nasty socks on the floor."

I couldn't contain my excitement this morning as Jonathan got up to take his shower. As he was all nice and clean and began putting on his pants, I was secretly giggling down deep inside. Skyler was looking at me like I was crazy or something. So he sticks one leg down his pants and pulls out a sock. He doesn't think much of it. Maybe one just got caught in there or something. Then he sticks his other leg in and pulls out several socks and then he finds them in his pockets. And then do you know what he said? He took all the fun out of my little prank. "Monica, you must really have a lot of time on your hands." Damn him!!!

So anyway, you can see what an exciting life I'm leading right now. He he he My fun for the day was stuffing socks down my husband's pants to teach him a lesson. Do you think he will learn said lesson? Probably not.
Monica; 9:45 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It might not have taught him a lesson, but I thought that it was funny as hell lol... And what he said - that's exactly what my dh would come out with!

shirley :)

11:30 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

That was absolutely classis! He deserved it. I have had the same problem in the past, but not just with socks, all clothes. So one time I just went on strike and didnt pick up clothes off the floor for weeks and I only washed the clothes in the hamper. Eventually (when he ran out of clothes) he got the point..

1:01 PM  
Blogger ♥Caroline♥ said...

It made me laugh, and got me thinking of what i can do to my husband with the stupid little things he does here. This could and should be interesting...lol

3:19 AM  
Blogger Mallard said...

***runs and hides in the corner under the laundry hamper...***

3:57 PM  
Blogger Mallard said...

.... help

1:37 PM  

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