Pieces of Us...
My Life Described in One Word.... H-E-L-L - Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I know, I know, I haven't posted in like, forever. I won't even begin to bring you up-to-date on what hell is my life. Things aren't really that bad, I have just been so busy I don't know if my ass is coming or going anymore. So many things has happened since I last wrote, that I wouldn't even know where to begin. I just need to get myself back into the swing of things and try and post at least a few times a week.

One exciting thing that did happen last week... I witnessed a pretty freaky accident. This guy was heading towards me in his SUV and swerved to miss a dog. He over-corrected and swerved again and went into the ditch and proceeded to roll his vehicle. The SUV landed on it's top and just kind of twirled around a few times. I had already stopped my car and was standing there watching it spin around thinking to myself,

"This person is definately dead. I am going to run up to the car and I am going to see a dead body."

So after the car stopped spinning I ran up and was surprised to see a guy who was fully awake and no blood! He couldn't get himself unbuckled so I was reaching in to try and unbuckle him. By this time there are other cars that have stopped and everyone is just standing around looking at me. After I got him unbuckled I was trying to get him out, but the top of the SUV had been squashed so badly that he couldn't climb out the driver's window. So I was trying to pull him from the back of the SUV. No one was coming to help, everyone was still standing around just staring at me. So I said, "Help, can somebody please help me." Well everyone still stood around just staring at me. So finally I get dude pulled out of the car and he doesn't have a scratch on him! He is a little dazed and confused, but isn't hurt at all. I said to him, "God must have been with you today sir." He just kind of shook his head.

When I finally had helped him out, and I was angry looking around at everyone else when someone pointed out to me that less than 5 feet from the back of the SUV was a downed power line. I never even saw it. I guess that was the reason everyone else was just standing around and not helping. We high-tailed it away from the vehicle and waited on the ambulance and police to arrive.

I actually got a picture of the vehicle from a distance afterwards. But, of course, it is still in my digital camera. I'll have to post it at a later date.

I am currently in Asheville. I have a program here at the Holiday *I** Sunspree tomorrow morning. It's a full house, with 150 people registered. Since I'm working off of my work laptop and on the HI's Wi-Fi, I won't get all graphicy and such here. I just actually wanted to do a post so you would know I was still alive. Being as I only have 2 readers anyway, I guess it doesn't really matter. But Caroline and Mallard, I am still alive!!! :-)

I don't know what caused me to become so busy here lately. I guess it has been work and home combined. I have been given some additional duties at work (that came along with a nice pay raise, no less) and things have just been "crazy" at home. Skyler has been horrible. The tantrums, the not wanting to go to bed at night, not sleeping all night, etc. has really been taking a toll on our family. I could totally see Jonathan just packing up his bags one day and hitting the road. Things have just not been going very well. Both of our work is pretty stressful at this time and with the added duty of a hellish 3-year old, well it's just been taking a toll. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't at least tell me once that he would like to just pack up and go away. Hmmm, that makes me feel real good. You know how it is. I've even called her pediatrician and begged for advice, to no avail. Everyone keeps telling me, "It's just a phase... She will grow out of it eventually." Well please tell me people, how do you live with it until she does grow out of it? How do you stay sane!?!?!

The one good thing is that Chase has been very easy. He is a really good baby. Of course, so was Skyler until just a few months ago. But hopefully he stays good at least through her "bad spell." If he doesn't, I may pack up and leave!

Nothing else exciting going on. I am really going to have to start posting regularly, because I forget all of the important stuff I wanted to write about. Anyway, I hate to cut it short today, but I am supposed ot meet our committee chair for dinner tonight and I need to "freshen up" from my long drive in. Until we meet again my friends.....
My Life Described in One Word.... H-E-L-L
Monica; 5:25 PM


Blogger ♥Caroline♥ said...

Good to see ya back online! I'm so excited, i know a HERO! That was very brave and i know the guy that crashed his vehicle is thanking his lucky stars because of you! Sorry that your life is not going very smooth.

You know kids really should have a manual stuck to their ass when they are born I never realized how hard it was till i actually had to do it! My daughter gives me a run for my money every day! Mornings are the worst!!! I would rather take my chances with a vampire than wake her! lol...

I don't remember ever being as bad as mine or yours ever been. But back then the threat of getting a whippin would stop me in my tracks. Now the kids know that all they have to do is cry abuse once and we are in deep do do!

I've asked Amber don't you ever listen to the little voice that tells you that i will get mad or upset that you did this, her answer "I don't have any little voices"!! God Help Us! lol

1:23 AM  
Blogger gammamoma said...

Hi Monica! You do have another reader online, My name is Paula, or gammamom online, and I am Caroline's Mom. Stop by and read my blog sometime @ Mommas place at home.

Congratulations on your rescue! Too many people would rather stand there and gauk at the accident than do something to help. You deserve a medal!

Kids will always be their own individual and can be a test to your patience, but eventually they grow up to be special human beings you will glad to have. Take for instance my girls, I am so proud to have them both, I could not want two more wonderful daughters.

10:22 AM  
Blogger ♥Caroline♥ said...


1:12 AM  

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