Pieces of Us...
Christmas is Over... - Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Well its December 28th and Christmas is over. We made it back safely from TN. I really think next year we should stay here in NC and celebrate Christmas. Dragging the kids, all of the baby equipment, 200 presents, etc. all the way to TN is just a pain in the a--! Not to mention that I am the one who has to pack everything up. Jonathan loads the van, but the packing and unpacking is the biggest bear! At least the kids are really good on the trip. All I can say is whoever invented the DVD player in cars, God bless you. Chase is really good to, even if he isn't old enough to watch tv. I just hope he travels well when he gets older.

Christmas was great. We all racked up as usual, especially the kids. It was great being with family and friends for the holidays. And Skyler finally got her Christmas tree at Mamaw & Papaw's house. We still felt really bad for not putting one up, but it was just too much trouble and we weren't going to be here for Christmas anyway.

On Christmas Eve we went to my dad and stepmom's house and visited with my sister, her husband and their daughter, Sienna. Skyler loves her cousin Sienna. They were all dressed really cute and had a great time opening up their presents.

On Christmas morning we opened up presents at my mother and stepdad's house. That's where we had also taken all of the presents we had bought the kids. Well shall I say "I" bought the kids, because Jonathan doesn't do any Christmas shopping. I think he is a Scrooge. Maybe Christmas wasn't a big deal for him when he was growing up, but he definitely doesn't have the Christmas spirit. The only thing I hate about going home to TN for Christmas is we have to wrap everything up so the kids can't see the stuff. When I was growing up, Santa Clause came and those presents weren't wrapped up. It was great fun to wake up in the morning and run into the living room to see what Santa Clause had brought. I think that's another reason why we should stay in our own home next year. I don't know though, it would really suck not to see my dad and everybody for Christmas though.

Not much going on now. I didn't have any vacation left because of this year's maternity leave, so I couldn't spend the week in TN after Christmas like we normally do. But last night Chase woke up with a fever around 3:30 a.m., so I just stayed home from work anyway. He is very fussy and doesn't feel good. I guess I need to call and make him a doctor appointment. I have been to the pediatrician office no less than 5 times within the last month and a half. Between Skyler and her colds and Chase and his colds.... Its just a mess. Its a good thing I have double insurance coverage and don't have to pay the co-payments, because those could really add up.

I'm going to be gone next month for about 3 days. I'm anxious to see how Jonathan handles both kids by himself for several days. I am sure he isn't looking forward to it.

I need to get caught up on some of my journal reading. As I've mentioned before, I have three favorites. However, one of them has gone back to work and doesn't get to write very much anymore and another one of them is looking for a job and hasn't been keeping up with her journal as much either. I hope they don't ever stop writing. I wish I had a talent for writing like they did. I basically just talk about our lives, I can't make it interesting like they do.

Anyway, I better end for now and call the pediatrician office. I'll add some photos from Christmas just for fun. I KNOW you just LOVE seeing the kids' photos! Ha!
Christmas is Over...
Monica; 10:48 AM


Blogger ♥Caroline♥ said...

I'm glad that you are back and everyone is safe. I think that you have a great journal it is about you and your kids that's why i read it. Sounds like we have the same husband. Don't care what i do as long as bills are paid and the kids are taken care of. I do all the shopping and bill paying and etc. decisions decisions and worry worry and what's one more grey hair for all my work...lol... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year if i don't get back to ya soon.

1:50 AM  

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