Pieces of Us...
What a Week.... - Sunday, August 01, 2004
Man, what a week we have had. Lets see, where to begin. Well it all started about 2:00 a.m. Friday morning. I had laid down to go to sleep around 10:00 p.m. Thursday night and for some reason I tossed and turned for hours. At approximately 2:00 a.m., I started having contractions and they were coming pretty frequently. So I finally woke Jonathan up and we headed to the hospital. Once we got there they hooked me up to the machines and the contractions were coming about every 4 minutes, but they were fairly mild. To make a long story short, we ended up spending about 5 hours at the hospital and then we were sent home. My doctor was actually on vacation last week, so I'm kind of glad we didn't have the baby. The doctor that was on call is the ONE doctor in the practice that I really don't care for. She did my post work when I had Skyler and also saw me when I had the stitches bust open at about 7 days after Skyler was born. She never even came in to see me the whole time I was there. The nurse just kept calling her and asking her questions, etc. So anyway, no baby Chase yet. I do have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. I'm wondering since I've been having all these contractions over the last few days if maybe she might move up my c-section? We can only hope. I feel like I'm about to explode!!!!

This has been a busy weekend and I have really overdone it I'm sure. My sister, her husband and their daughter came from TN for the weekend. My brother-in-law had a chess tournament here in town, so Becky and Sienna stayed with us. Yesterday we took the girls to the Children's Museum here in town. I'll put up a couple of pics with this post. We spent about 5 hours at the museum and Skyler was pooped by the time we left. We had a great time, but its just getting really hard for me to walk around. I basically walk a few feet and then sit down and rest. I feel like a beached whale that's for sure.

I can't believe Chase's birth is less than two weeks away! Today Becky, Sienna and Haskell headed back to TN. They went ahead and took Skyler home to TN with them so I could rest next week. They are going to take her to my mother's house tomorrow and she will spend the week with her mamaw and papaw. My parents will be coming back to NC on Saturday or so and stay through the following week to be here for the birth on the 13th. That is if I make it to the 13th. I will be 37 weeks pregnant on Tuesday. This has been the longest pregnancy in history. It seems Skyler's pregnancy just flew by, but this one has taken forever. Maybe its just that second baby syndrome. I have been so much more tired, etc. I guess because not only have I been working full time, pregnant, but also taking care of a toddler. Don't get me wrong, Skyler is actually pretty good. I am really going to miss her this week. But it will be nice to have an entire week to myself to just rest, pick up the house and basically prepare for the birth. What the hell am I going to do with myself this week?

I have so much stuff to do, its pathetic. I still have lots of things I really need to get for Chase. I have most of the major things already since Skyler is so young. But I do need some more boy clothes, a new changing pad for the changing table, cover, etc. I also need to get prepared for Skyler to start school on the 16th. I'll probably still be in the hospital, so it will be up to either Jonathan or my mom to get her to her first day of real school. She has been going to summer daycare at the school all summer, but "actual" school starts on the 16th. I dread having to put her in a dress every day. They were allowed to wear shorts in the summer, which was really cool. We already have her new Tinkerbell backpack and lunch box. I just need to go buy all of the school supplies from the list they have prepared for us.

Also, next week I have to get Skyler registered for dance class. I am really excited about her starting ballet. I think she is going to get a real kick out of it. I wish I could find her some kind of music class, because she loves to sing so much. She definitely thinks she is an entertainer. We were at the Olive Gar*en the other night and were waiting for our table and she decided to give her first singing concert. She began to sing the in the lobby and everyone was standing around looking at her and when she finished, everyone clapped. I almost cracked up. Then this lady comes up to her and gives her a $1.00 bill and tells her that she knows she is going to be an singer/entertainer when she grows up and she wants to give her her first dollar for her first performance. We put it away and if she ever becomes an singer, we'll have it framed for her. I thought it was hilarious. If only your kids could stay so innocent for so long. I dread the teenage years that's for sure! I'm sure she won't be this sweet and innocent for long.

Well I about pooped, so I better head off to lie down for awhile. I'll try and write more tomorrow. Sorry for the 3 day delay!!
What a Week....
Monica; 7:37 PM


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