Pieces of Us...
Is It Ever Going to End... - Tuesday, August 03, 2004
So FINALLY after I went to the doctor yesterday my OB/GYN put me off work. I was really beginning to wonder if she was actually going to let me work up until I had the baby. This pregnancy was so different from the last one. Last time she basically wanted me on bed rest at about 7 months. But, of course, I didn't have any short term disability then, so I had to truck on and work 1/2 days for the entire remainder of my pregnancy. But this time, when I actually have short term disability, I get to work all the way up until approx. 2 weeks before I deliver. I guess if I wanted to "force" the issue, she would probably have let me work through the rest of this week, but I am so exhausted and the contractions are so bothersome, I'm actually glad she finally took me off work. I'm just hoping I left everything in order at work so everyone can take up my slack. I know it really sucks when someone goes on maternity leave and a co-worker has to do my job. But this should be the last time I'll be taking a maternity leave.

As far as I know, Jonathan still plans on having a vasectomy a few months after Chase is born. He really wants me to just have my tubes tied, but he is the one who is adamant that he doesn't want any more children. So my philosophy is, if you are the one who is hell bent on not having any more kids, then you can go get your "nuts nipped" as he likes to call it. At least he isn't one of these fraidy cat men who says no one is touching my "jewels". Get over it. Its like hardly any pain at all from the men who I have talked to who had it and your walking out the same day and back to work within a couple of days. Men!

Skyler left with my sister the other day to head to Tennessee. She loves going home to see her mamaw and papaw. I miss her terribly, but it is nice to have the house to myself. No work, no toddler, etc. I don't know what to do with myself! Sleeping in is definitely at the top of my list. I just hate it though because I sleep in and then I can't fall asleep until 1:00 a.m. I think 5 - 7 hours is about my maximum of sleeping. Jonathan requires 8 to 10 daily. He is in for a world of hurt when Chase gets here. You forget about those long months of no sleep and getting up 5 or 6 times a night for diaper changes and feedings. He was very helpful with Skyler, but I wonder how he is going to be this time. He has basically been sleeping downstairs in Chase's room since I was about 6 months pregnant. I think/know he prefers it. I really got to tossing and turning and he snores something awful, so to save peace in the house, he moved downstairs to sleep. I know he gets a lot more sleep down there. He did the same thing when I was pregnant with Skyler and after she was born he moved back upstairs with me. He would get up with her at night, change her diaper and then bring her to me to feed. It was very helpful and I hope he will do the same again this time. At least Skyler will be in school 5 days a week, so Chase and I will have lots of alone time together. I'm already dreading going back to work and leaving him with a babysitter and he isn't even hear yet!

I just can't wait to see his sweet little face. I can't completely relate to him until I see him. I have all the fears and probably more that most new moms have. I wonder how am I ever going to love another child as much as I love Skyler. Everyone says it just comes naturally and you will love them both the same. I also worried about having a boy. I have always been around little girls and I know NOTHING about little boys. Jonathan keeps telling me that all the women he works with say their sons are always more special to them. Skyler and I are so close. I'm sure Chase and I will be to. I think a lot of it also has to do with Chase was a "surprise". We weren't trying to have a baby or anything, it just kind of happened. With Skyler we actually planned her. And we were fortunate enough to get pregnant on the very first try! Not that we didn't want a second child or anything, it just wasn't planned. Of course, I guess 75% of pregnancies aren't really planned. We had been married for 10 years before we even decided to have Skyler. Definitely too long to wait to have kids that's for sure!

I wonder what I am going to have to write about over the next few days. I'm not working, Skyler isn't here, not much going on here at the house by myself. Jonathan is working and Bruce leaves for work every afternoon. I will probably go stir crazy by the end of the week. I called my mom today to check on Skyler and of course, she is having a blast getting her complete way with mamaw and papaw. God they spoil her rotten. Not that we don't spoil her to, but you know how it is with mamaws and papaws. Especially ones that don't get to see their grandbabies but every few months.

Well I have ran out of things to say. I'm going to go finish up some laundry and rest a bit. Hmmm, sounds really exciting!
Is It Ever Going to End...
Monica; 3:55 PM


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