Pieces of Us...
Pieces of Us - Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Ah, where to begin.  I have wanted to start a journal/blog for ages, but I could never seem to figure out how and where to begin.... So today here I sit 8 1/2 months pregnant and not feeling well enough to go to work.  I figure with a 2 year old and one only weeks away, if I want to start a blog, now would be the time as I probably won't have much time here in a few weeks.  I work full time and keeping up with a 2 year old (well she will be 3 next month) and a newborn is going to be challenging I know.  I still can't believe our second baby will be here in just a few short weeks!  We have been married for almost 14 years!  I guess we really waited late to have kids.  We waited for 10 years to have Skyler.

It just seemed that while we were in the Army everyone had kids except us.  We were the outcasts.  But one good thing was we had the money to have a nice home, travel and drive a decent car.  I think we saw so many military families struggling with deployments, not much money, having child after child, that we just decided to wait.  I'm glad we did.  We traveled the world.  I couldn't count the amount of countries we have been to.  One day I need to sit down and write a nice long journal of our life together.  Something I think Skyler might like to read when she was older.  I've always been into family history and what not.  I wish I had more photos and diaries, etc. from my ancestors.

I'm so excited about blogging.  I really would prefer to have my own domain and start my own site, but right now I just don't have enough time to mess with much.  I'm sure that will come later.  I love reading online journals.  My favorites are Robyn, Nance and Jane.  I truly love to log on each day and see what those three ladies have to say.  They are so funny and entertaining.  I'm sure I will never be able to write or entertain as well as they do, but this is a great beginning.

Its amazing to read into someone else's lives.  I guess in a way its kind of like voyeurism or something.  Some people are just so interesting and I was amazed that all three of those great ladies met their current spouses online. 

Well I guess I have bored everyone for now.  Not that I even know if or when anyone will come to read this site.  I'm not sure how people get traffic coming to their blogs.  I guess they just have to be interesting and keep people coming back like the "Smart & Sassy" ladies are.  Someday maybe I will have a following like theirs'.  In the meantime, I'll just keep writing for now.  Until tomorrow....

Pieces of Us
Monica; 4:31 PM


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